This morning I got an EFT abundance tapping question in an email from a reader I'll call "Marney." Marney wrote, "Other people around me have launched the same type of business and they have succeeded.
I've got the same talent as them so why am I not achieving success and abundance?"
I thought that was a terrific question, and one that needed to be shared with all of you. Here's some of what I answered and what I've been thinking about since her email. Increasing your business success requires three things...
One: Handle the business aspects like a pro.
Two: Clear your blocks.
Three: Attract what you want.
Now, the first step of doing your business like a pro is best answered by a business expert, or someone in your field of work. I won't cover it here, because that's not my expertise, but it is essential - and your first step.
Next is to clear up anything that could be blocking your success. Blocks come in a few different categories. Clearing Your Limiting Belief Blocks Your blocks could be limiting beliefs about your worthiness or skill. Beliefs like,
I'm not worthy of financial success.
Deep down, there is something wrong with me.
I'm not good enough to be successful.
I'll never be successful.
It could be critical beliefs you have about wealthy, successful people. You could be holding beliefs like... Rich people are greedy.
Wealthy people are stuck-up. They think they're better than everyone else.
Successful people aren't spiritual. They don't share my values.
You may have limiting beliefs about your relationship with money. I'm bad at handling money.
I can't hold onto money.
I'm no good at budgeting.
I'm just not good at financial stuff.
All of those are simply beliefs. And beliefs are neither true or false. They are just beliefs. And that's good!
It means they can be changed. What is necessary is to identify any of your beliefs that are getting in your way, then use EFT abundance tapping to clear them.
Here is a tapping script to heal you clear the belief that you're not worthy of financial or business success.
EFT Abundance Tapping
Set-Up Even though I'm not worthy of success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.
Even though I just don't feel worthy of being successful, I accept myself and all my feelings.
Even though I don't know how I got this belief, I don't feel worthy of business success, and I want to accept myself just the way I am.
Dumping - Round One Eyebrow: I don't know why, but I don't feel worthy of success.
Side of Eye: It's true. I'm not worthy.
Under Eye: I'm not worthy.
Under Nose: I bet I picked this up from my family, when I was a little kid.
Chin: For whatever reason, I am not worthy of living a successful life.
Collarbone: So I'll never be successful.
Under Arm: I should probably just quit wasting my time.
Top of Head: I'll never be worthy of success.
Tap this dumping, whining, complaining, ranting language one or more rounds.
As always, with emotional tapping, if a memory comes up, or you get some insight into the root cause of the issue you're tapping on, take a little side-trip and tap on the memory or insight. Then return to where you were.
Dreaming - Round Two Eyebrow: I'm beginning to see that believing I'm not worthy of success is just a belief. And beliefs can be changed.
Side of Eye: What if I could let go, even a little, of believing I'm not worthy of success?
Under Eye: What if I could remember times in my life when I was successful - and I felt worthy of that success?
Under Nose: Wouldn't it be nice if I could see myself as worthy of a little more success?
Chin: What if I could believe that everyone is worthy of more success - even me?
Collarbone: I'd like to know I'm capable of success.
Under Arm: Wouldn't it be great if I could know that I am worthy of business success?
Top of Head: I wonder what I'd picture if I saw myself as worthy of financial success?
Tap on the Dreaming round, and anything that came up for you, until you feel ready for the positive Deciding.
Deciding - Round Three
Eyebrow: I have decided that I am worthy of success.
Side of Eye: I've decided that I'm just as worthy as anyone of success.
Under Eye: I choose to see myself as successful already.
Under Nose: I choose to let go of any limiting beliefs that say I'm not worthy of financial success.
Chin: I have decided I am worthy.
Collarbone: I choose to know that I am worthy of more success.
Under Arm: It feels so good to know I'm worthy of all kinds of success.
Top of Head: I love knowing I'm worthy.
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